36” x 48” Acrylic on wood
Album Cover Art for Levi Gardner's Album "Brother"
Acrylic on canvas. 24” x 24”
Acrylic & pyrography on Japanese Cedar ~ 18” x 24”
Inspiration Altar
The Inspiration triptych in Shannon Christie & I’s “Altars of Emotion” Series. Painting done by me. Laser-cut embellishments done by Shannon. 4’ x 4’ , Acrylic and laser-cut birch on wood.
Joy Altar
The Joy triptych in Shannon Christie & I’s “Altars of Emotion” Series. Painting done by me. Laser-cut embellishments done by Shannon. 4’ x 4’ , Acrylic and laser-cut birch on wood.
Compassion Altar
The Compassion triptych in Shannon Christie & I’s “Altars of Emotion” Series. Painting done by me. Laser-cut embellishments done by Shannon. 4’ x 4’ , Acrylic and laser-cut birch on wood.
Apathy Altar
The Apathy triptych in Shannon Christie & I’s “Altars of Emotion” Series. Painting done by me. Laser-cut embellishments done by Shannon. 4’ x 4’ , Acrylic and laser-cut birch on wood.
Hibernation Altar
The Hibernation triptych in Shannon Christie & I’s “Altars of Emotion” Series. Painting done by me. Laser-cut embellishments done by Shannon. 4’ x 4’ , Acrylic and laser-cut birch on wood.
Grief Altar
The Grief triptych in Shannon Christie & I’s “Altars of Emotion” Series. Painting done by me. Laser-cut embellishments done by Shannon. 4’ x 4’ , Acrylic and laser-cut birch on wood.